Uptown Funk Parody

Uptown Funk Parody

I realized while listening to it recently (okay, more singing and dancing to it than listening to it) that the joyful feeling the song conveys is quite similar to the joyful feeling I have when both kids are finally in bed for the night and my husband and I are free to spend some alone time together (i.e., play on our laptops while in the same room and watch Netflix).

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The Impossible Yet Inevitable Loneliness of Motherhood

The Impossible Yet Inevitable Loneliness of Motherhood

I have been a stay-at-home-mom since mid-way through my second pregnancy. My youngest is 16 months old now, which means I haven't worked (outside my home, that is) in almost two years.

What I didn't expect was that sometimes I would feel lonely. I'm talking heart-wrenching, deep-in-my-bones loneliness.

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11 Skills I've Discovered Since Having Kids

11 Skills I've Discovered Since Having Kids

Being a parent is all about responding to the needs and desires of your children, no matter how strange some of those needs and desires may seem (why would anyone choose to watch four grown men dressed in primary-colored turtlenecks singing about spaghetti and bananas?). Adapting to the needs and desires of your small creatures results in the discovery of several skills you never knew you had - skills you probably never knew existed or even needed to exist.

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