Basic Mom Week in Review - 10/28/18

5 Things That Actually Happened This Week and the Lessons I Learned

1. My 5-Year-Old made Gramma and Papa out of Play Doh:

Lesson: I hope my parents aren’t too attached to the idea of having internal organs.

2. This confusing exchange while out to dinner the day after the school Halloween event:

Mother-in-Law: So, how do you like the new principal?

Me: He’s fantastic!

5-Year-Old: I have to go potty.

Husband [as if he is emphasizing what my 5-Year-Old just said]: Yes, he WAS a karate guy last night.

Lesson: Tomato, To-mah-to. Potty, Karate.

3. My husband and I stopped at a Starbucks a few cities away while on the hunt for some new furniture. The following exchange occurred when we stepped up to place our order:

Me: Hi.

Barista: Wow, you’re so pretty.

Me: What? [looks over shoulder then awkwardly points to self] Me?

Barista: Yeah, you’re so pretty.

Me: Uh . . . Thank you . . .

Lesson: I guess I’ll be traveling 36 miles round-trip to get coffee from now on.

4. My 4-year-old neighbor and I had fun with stickers:


Lesson: I really just included this as a reference for what it takes to be called “pretty” at Starbucks (also, my neighbor is super awesome).

5. While at Home Depot, my husband and I got into a legitimate fight over flooring.

(And I mean legitimate - at one point I dramatically said, “Whatever! Get whatever [CENSORED] flooring you want!” 😳)

Lesson: I’m so much more than a Basic Mom; I’m a Basic Wife, too.