Basic Mom Week in Review - 10/18/15

5 Things That Actually Happened This Week and the Lessons I Learned

1. My 2-year-old fought her nap for a while, but finally ended up falling asleep like this:

Lesson: Always check on the baby when she is quiet because she may be inadvertently attempting to smother herself.

2. My 2-year-old insisted on eating her donut like a dog.

Lesson: Eating a donut like a dog results in a strangely half-eaten donut and a very sticky face.

3. This conversation with my husband after I watched the Spartans defeat the Wolverines in probably the most exciting football finish I've ever seen:

Lesson: On Saturdays my husband and I speak a different language. (Also I married a huge nerd.)

4. While my husband and I were cleaning up after dinner, my 2-year-old got a new Kleenex box out of the linen closet, opened it, and emptied most of its contents in the hallway.

I told her that was very wasteful and messy and asked her to clean it up. 

Here she is trying to stuff the tissues back in the box:

I told her putting them back in the box was probably not going to work and she needed to figure out another way to clean up the mess. 

When I checked back a few minutes later the hall was suspiciously clear . . .

Because she had piled the box and all of the tissues on a shelf in the closet:

Lesson: It is very difficult to discipline a child when you are laughing really hard.

5. I sent my 6-year-old to her room after school because she was giving me serious attitude and not listening to me.

When I went to check on her five minutes later, she had slipped this note under her bedroom door:

Lesson: Seriously, it would be way easier to discipline my children if they weren't so darn funny.