Basic Mom Week in Review - 06/07/15

5 Things That Actually Happened This Week and the Lessons I Learned

1. My toddler had a rough week with food.

She tried to take a bite out of a block of muenster cheese (through the packaging) when I let her hold it while we were grocery shopping:

She grabbed a stick of butter that I had left on the counter to soften, and somehow managed to unwrap it and carry it into the bathroom. Then later, after I thought I solved the problem by placing sticks of butter in a mixing bowl on the kitchen table to soften, she used her spidey sense to locate the butter, climbed on a chair, and dug her fingers in the softened butter for a taste:

She was entertaining herself with this jelly packet while we were out to eat, and bit into it so hard that the jelly squirted out the sides (and in her mouth):

At the same restaurant, the cashier gave her a sucker. Neither my husband nor I unwrapped it for her, but, somehow, in our walk from the exit to our car, she made the executive decision to unwrap it herself, and her gray sweater is now mostly blue:

Lesson: I repeat. My toddler had a rough week with food.

2. I was having a moderately productive day. Then I dropped my toddler's spaghetti-filled lunch tray all over the freshly-loaded dishwasher and just-swept kitchen floor.

I texted this picture to my husband so he would understand if I was still staring at the mess, crying when he got home.

Lesson: Some days life (or clumsiness) gets in the way of spending the last 20 minutes of your toddler's nap catching up on email (*cough* Buzzfeed).

3. While I was making dinner, my 6-year-old entertained herself by taping plastic birds to her sister's and her own arm.

Lesson: Toddlers do not enjoy having plastic birds taped to their arms. Also, I fear that if 3-D tattoos someday exist, my 6-year-old will probably be the first weirdo to get a cardinal perched on her arm.

4. My toddler knocked a vase off a table while we were out to lunch with my best friend, and it shattered on the floor.

Lesson: When I take my toddler out to eat, I need to budget not only for extra-large tips, but also for the possible destruction of property.

5. I wanted to get a nice picture of our family while my 6-year-old was dressed up for her recital. My toddler did not.

Lesson: My toddler wins.