Basic Mom Week in Review - 02/05/17

5 Things That Actually Happened This Week and the Lessons I Learned

1. This interaction while I was trying to show off to my mother-in-law that my 3-year-old learned how to properly say "regular" (a word she has always had trouble pronouncing):

Me: Say "regular."

3-Year-Old: Regular!

Me: Good! Like, regular milk and chocolate milk, right? Say "regular milk."

3-Year-Old: Chocolate milk!

Lesson: So, that was a bad example.

2. My 8-year-old built a couple book thrones for herself and her sister.

Lesson: The time between elation over the novelty of a book throne and crying over the structural unsoundness of a book throne is surprisingly short.

3. I returned an empty Maleficent DVD case to the library.

Lesson: According to my voicemail, the library would also like the DVD eventually.

4. I found this scene in my living room approximately 4 minutes after my 3-year-old got home from preschool.

Lesson: This can only mean one thing: there is a preschooler in nothing but underpants running around my house.

5. Family and friends gathered to remember and celebrate the life of my Uncle Jeff. During the celebration, I caught some of my Grandpa's epic dance moves on camera.

My grandpa dancing to Low Rider at the celebration of my Uncle Jeff's life.

Lesson: My Grandpa is going to be an internet star.