Basic Mom Week in Review - 11/20/16

5 Things That Actually Happened This Week and the Lessons I Learned

1. My husband somehow contracted a pretty scary-looking infection on the side of his face. My three-year-old refused to go near him for days, and at the infection's peak, she cried and screamed and closed her eyes whenever he went near her.

Lesson: My 3-year-old's shallowness makes my husband sad (and resulted in an increased level of weekly snuggles for me).

2. My 7-year-old read That's Disgusting (a funny book about all sorts of disgusting things) to her Gramma, Papa, Dad, sister, and me. After a page about eating boogers, this conversation ensued:

Gramma: You don't eat your boogers, do you?

3-Year-Old: Noooo!

Gramma: What do you do with your boogers?

3-Year-Old [making a flicking motion]: Throw them on the floor. 

Lesson: Don't walk around my house barefoot.

3. My 3-year-old left a half-eaten bag of chips on the living room floor, so I asked her to clean it up. About 30 seconds later, half a bag of chips was sprinkled over the living room rug.

Lesson: This is how kids train adults to continue cleaning up after them long after they should be cleaning up after themselves.

4. This interaction with my 3-year-old after we heard someone mention pneumonia on the radio:

3-Year-Old: Memonia?! That's where we live.

Me: No, not Livonia. Pneumonia.

3-Year-Old: Oh.

Lesson: I'm pretty sure my 3-year-old thinks anything that ends in "-onia" is the city we live in.

5. Basic Mom Blog turned two years old on Thursday!

Lesson: What's the old saying? Time flies when you commit yourself to exploiting your family for possible laughs once a week?