Basic Mom Week in Review - 09/13/15

5 Things That Actually Happened This Week and the Lessons I Learned

1. My 6-year-old wanted my toddler to stop playing with her Ken doll, so she made her this convincing substitute out of a balloon and popsicle sticks.

Lesson: I probably don't need to worry about a trademark suit from Mattel anytime soon.

2. This conversation (as my husband and I watched our girls transferring water from their kiddie pool to the driveway using plastic cups for some inexplicable reason):

Husband (to Toddler): Are you helping your sister?

6-year-old: Yeah. I hired her.

Lesson: My 6-year-old has no regard for child labor laws.

3. My toddler freaked out when we told her that it was too early to go to the mall because it didn't open for another hour.

Lesson: I think I'll save the conversation about Sunday mall hours for a time when she is more emotionally mature.

4. My 6-year-old found a wood chip at the playground that "looked like a lion" . . . Umm, I guess?

Anyway, she gave it to my toddler to look at, then walked away to find more "treasures." When I asked my toddler to take the wood chip back to her sister, she made an executive decision to just throw it on the ground.

When my 6-year-old remembered "the lion wood chip" fifteen minutes later, she insisted that we needed to find it.

This is the approximate location where my toddler threw said wood chip:

Lesson: Parents are willing to pretend to do something that they know is impossible for approximately 10 minutes in order to humor their child. 

5. I caught this moment before my 6-year-old got on the bus for her first day of first grade:

Lesson: Boom. I've won at momming.