Basic Mom Week in Review 07/24/16

5 Things That Actually Happened This Week and the Lessons I Learned

1. My 7-year-old "decorated" my house with Monster High dolls:

Lesson: I think Monster High businessmen might start showing up at my house (with singles).

2. My 2-year-old invented a game where we go back and forth saying a Star Wars character and a fruit or vegetable (i.e., Boba Fett banana). Yes, she's a weirdo. Anyway, one night, I overheard her and my husband playing this "game," and this was part of their conversation:

2-Year-Old: Princess Leia turkey!

Husband: Turkey isn't a vegetable.

2-Year-Old: Yes it is!

Husband: No, turkey is a meat.

2-Year-Old: Turkey is not meat!

Lesson: I may have a young Ron Swanson on my hands.



3. I caught my 2-year-old dipping her apple slices in her ramen noodles.

Lesson: I think my 2-year-old was determined to make me admit to my blog readers that I sometimes feed my kids ramen noodles [*embarrassed face*].

4. I caught the moment immediately following my 2-year-old pushing her cousin in the pool:

Lesson: The next time my 2-year-old is upset that her cousin doesn't want to play with her, I am going to show her this picture. (Shout out to Kim and Kanye for reminding me to hang on to my receipts this week.)

5. A bunch of pictures from a beach trip with my now-husband, friends, and family 9 years ago came up in my Timehop. When I showed my kids, my 7-year-old said, "Everyone looks different except you, Mom."

Lesson: My 7-year-old thinks I look 21, so it must be true. (Either that or she's campaigning for ice cream tonight.)