11 Basic Mom Things I've Done in the Last Year

Guys, I've been blogging for A YEAR. I realize a year is a small amount of time in the grand scheme of things, and that there have been several weeks where the only thing I posted was my "Week in Review." But, considering the fact that I was on the tail end of a severe, confidence-crushing depression when I started and had no idea what I was really getting myself into, I consider the fact that I kept going a great success.

To celebrate, here are 11 Basic Mom Things I've Done in the Last Year:

1. Dressed my daughters in matching outfits. On multiple occasions.

2. Started going to the gym regularly, and then started going not-so-regularly (but continued talking about going to the gym regularly).

3. Insisted on getting overpriced holiday photos, no matter how traumatizing the experience was for my youngest daughter.

4. Went through a green smoothie phase.

5. Became a member of the PTA Board at my daughter's school.

6. Threw a Pinterest-worthy Bubble Guppies-themed birthday party

7. Gave up diet soda, and then slowly started replacing it with regular soda.

8. Found great pleasure in purchasing a new set of all-white dinnerware.

9. Purchased items specifically because they had Box Tops on them (and then patted myself on the back when my daughter's class won her school's Box Top competition).

10. Took a bunch of selfies with my kids.

11. Started a Mom Blog.

Thanks for reading!